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The Electronic Petition website offers you the opportunity to sign the petition for one candidate that seeks to be placed on the ballot for a race in which you are eligible to vote. You are only allowed to sign one petition per race. So, for example, if there is a City Council race in your district and a Mayoral race at the same time, you can sign one petition for the Mayoral race and one petition for the City Council race in your registered district. Though the site will not prohibit you from signing multiple petitions in the same race, doing so will mean your signature will not count for either candidate in that race. NMSA 1978, § 1-1-7.2.

If you want to sign petitions for more than one race, you will have to log into the site separately for each signature.

To Sign a Petition You Must:

  • Be a registered voter in the district for which the candidate is running
  • Sign the petition of your own free will
  • Not have previously signed another petition for a candidate running for the same office

To Proceed to the Petition Page, Click Below: